Where is the Most Heat Lost From Our Homes?

As the cold winter weather sets in, households will be turning up their heating to keep themselves cosy. But while some homes are well insulated and sealed, many have areas where heat escapes quickly. This wastes energy, raises utility bills, and can put a strain on boilers and furnaces leading to breakdowns. This is why experts recommend you take a look around your home to see where the most heat loss is occurring.

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Where is the most heat lost from our homes?

About 25% of heat escapes through the roof, 35% is lost from gaps in walls, doors and windows and 10% escapes through floorboards. These areas are collectively known as the thermal envelope and it’s important to tackle them in order to reduce your home’s energy costs and carbon footprint.

Ceilings & Walls

An average of 30% of heat loss is through poorly insulated walls and ceilings due to how hot air rises and cool air sinks. It’s essential to add additional insulation here, and in voids around light fixtures, electrical sockets, and window trim. To find out more about Insulated Render Systems, contact APS Plastering who provide Insulated Render Systems.

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Windows & Doors

This area of the home can be costly to insulate but it’s possible to reduce this cost by installing draught proofing to existing windows (remember it’s not just the windows themselves that lose heat but also the gap around them). And, if you have an old door, replacing it with a new steel or fibreglass Energy Star door is a smart investment.

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