How to make cloudy pool water

Turbid water indicates a problem with your pool. One way to be aware of this situation is to frequently test the pool water for pH, calcium hardness and total alkalinity, or TA levels. Problems with other parts of your pool, such as the drain filter, can cause the cloudy pool water as well. Fortunately, the process of making your clear pool water crystal clear again is not difficult.

Cloudy pool water

Pool water is needed to be very clean. So that’s why we need to know how to clean pool water. Everyone want cloudy pool water for the pool beauty. So we recommend this article.


1 Test the water to make sure that the pH level is in the suggested range, following the instructions that come in the test kit. The pH level indicates the acidity of the pool water. The scale goes from 1 to 14, with the lower numbers indicating higher acid levels. Ideally, the pH level at 7. For high pH levels, adding a pH base; for low pH levels, add a pH booster until the level reaches the desired level.

2 Test the water to make sure that the level of technical assistance is in an appropriate range, following the instructions that come in the test kit. The water level of your pool helps balance the pH level. The ideal level of your pool should be maintained between 80 and 120 parts per million or ppm, for concrete pools, and 125 at 170 ppm for vinyl, painted fiberglass or pools. Add a TA reducer or booster to the pool water, as needed.

3 Test the level of calcium hardness, the use of calcium tester strips. The level of calcium hardness indicates the strength with which water is. The level of calcium hardness should remain between 200 and 400 ppm. If you have a high calcium hardness level, add one bottle of Caltrate for every 15,000 liters of water in your pool; If you have a low calcium hardness level, add calcium chloride to raise it.

4 Follow the instructions in your water test kit to examine the levels of disinfectant in your pool. This indicates if the pool filter works correctly. The level of disinfectant should be kept below 10 psi. If is superior, clean the pool filters.

5 Examine the drain filters for tears or holes. Replace damaged filters.

6 Follow the instructions that come in the shock treatment kit to the shock-treat pool water.

7 Add a bottle of algaecide and let it rest overnight without using the pool.

Tips and warnings

Water tests daily to prevent cloudy water.

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