How to get rid of black aphids from beans?

How to get rid of black aphids

Many people ask on the Internet: How to get rid of black aphids from plants? The answer is not simple. Read continue to get the solution. The aphid is a type of insect that attacks a multitude of plants, including many of those that we plant in the garden, as happens with beans. In addition, another factor that we have to take into account is that there are more than 500 types of aphids, each of them with its specific characteristics, which will make it more or less easy to combat them.

One of the most harmful aphids that can attack our garden is the black aphid, a very widespread aphid and very characteristic for its dark and blackish color. If you want to know how to eliminate the black aphid of beans and many other crops, keep reading and we’ll tell you.

How to get rid of black aphids?

How to get rid of black aphids

The aphid is an insect that attacks plants of many types by feeding on them. This insect has a mouth that allows it to bite the greenest shoots and absorb the sap inside the plant, a substance from which it feeds mainly. This means that the plant loses part of its nutrients and, weakens and become increasingly ugly and sick.

In fact, one of the signs that should alert us to the possibility of black aphids in our bean plants will be that the leaves begin to yellow and wrinkle for no apparent reason.

On the other hand, we must bear in mind that aphids are insects that reproduce very quickly. Therefore, as soon as they are located, it will be important to take the appropriate measures to eliminate them from the plants as soon as possible and thus prevent them from spreading further.

Insecticides for beans aphid

One of the simplest options for which we can choose when combating black or other aphids is to apply a chemical insecticide purchased in gardening stores. However, it must be borne in mind that these products are toxic, which means that applying them to plants that will be consumed later, as with beans, is not a good idea.

Another aspect that we have to take into account is that these products end with insects of all kinds, including those that are beneficial to the plant. A good example of these beneficial insects would be the ladybird or vaquita, so characteristic for its red cover with black dots. This insect literally feeds on the aphids, helping us to counteract the plague, so we are not interested in removing it from our garden or garden.

Consequently, the smartest thing is to opt for ecological options, respectful both with the environment, with the plant itself and with the health of the people who will later consume the beans of the plant in question.

Eliminate the black aphid with potassium soap

One of the ecological ways to eliminate black aphid and aphids of any other type is to use potassium soap in the form of a spray. This soap acts as a poison only for aphids, but not against beneficial insects for the plant, against the plant itself, or against people who may later consume the fruits of the plant. Therefore, it is a perfectly safe option for use in garden or garden plants.

  • The way to apply the potassium soap will be dissolving a proportion of 20 milliliters of soap for each liter of water.
  • Next, apply through a sprayer throughout the plant.
  • During the application, it is very important that the water reaches all parts of the plant, including also the back of the leaves.
  • Keep in mind that this mixture acts by direct contact against aphids, so it is essential to apply it in each nook of the plant.
  • After the application, wait two weeks and reapply to make sure that there is no gap left by the plague.

After another two weeks, return to make a third application.

Eliminate the black aphid with Neem oil

Another option that will allow combatting the black aphid. In addition to other types of aphids and insects harmful to plants (such as the red spider, cochineal or whitefly, among others) is to use Neem oil. The way to apply this oil will be the same as with potassium soap. Diluting the same proportion in water and applying it with a spray every two weeks making sure that the mixture reaches all parts of the plant.

This is another ecological option to combat the black aphid that, in addition to being respectful with the environment, is also safe with health.

Finally, if we want to opt for a much more powerful option (only necessary in the cases of the most virulent and difficult to fight pests), we can also prepare a mixture of Neem oil and potassium soap with water that we will apply in the same way. What will sweep away any traces of black aphid that may remain in the areas where we spread it?

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