Secrets to throwing a relaxed dinner party

Hosting doesn’t have to be stressful and contrary to popular belief – you don’t have to serve up particularly fancy food either. Simple, tasty and well-cooked will always be far more appreciated than poorly executed gourmet food. Here are some tips for a great dinner party:

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Get some good recipes together. Most people are not born with an innate ability to look at random ingredients and throw them together to produce an amazing dish. Invest in some cookbooks that you find easy to follow and remember that you can also find a huge number of recipes online these days, for quicker access.

Have a practice run so there’s no nasty surprises on the night itself. It makes good sense to try out a new dish on your family or partner first.

For larger gatherings, consider Marquee Hire Near Me and visit Preparing starters, mains and desserts for more than six people will stress you out unless you have kitchen helpers! Less is more when it comes to relaxed hosting. Your night will be more intimate and you’ll spend more time hosting and not be stuck in the kitchen.

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Tell your guests exactly what to expect on the night as this information will help to put people at ease. If it’s a more formal affair then guests often worry about wearing the right attire, who might they be sat next to and should they bring anything? Don’t be secretive with plans – tell your guests what the dress code is, who else is invited and whether or not they should bring a bottle. Everyone will feel much more comfortable if they know what to expect.

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