Summer Wildflowers to Enjoy

During the summer months, getting outdoors is something that we like to make the most of. Whether a walk though the woodlands, a picnic in the countryside, or a row down the river, at this time of the year there are plenty of beautiful flowers to enjoy.

Flowers and plants are always a pleasing sight, and many people love to receive a professional bouquet from somewhere like this florist Tewkesbury based company // so why not see how many flowers you can spot when you are out and about in the summer?

Here are some to look for…

Foxgloves – The woodlands are the place to see the towering spires of the beautiful foxgloves. Throughout June, take a walk through the shady woodlands and you are likely to see many of these across the floor beneath the trees.

Look but don’t touch is the motto with foxgloves (unless you are a bee!) as they contain the deadly toxin digitalis.

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Herb Robert – This pretty pink flower is another lover of shady spots, from hedgerow edges and shady parts under a wall, to the woodland edges, this is a flower that can be found all over the British Isles and in most of Europe. It was carried to bring the carrier good fortunes and fertility in ancient times and is also very valuable to a wide variety of insects.

Bee Orchid – This beautiful flower gets its name from the fact that it impersonates the appearance of a bee in order to attract them to it. It can be found in June and July in sunny grasslands and is more common in southern counties than in the north.

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Oxeye Daisy – This is a flower that most of us associate with long sunny days, and the summer is the time to spot swathes of these bright and beautiful flowers. Because they glow in the moonlight, they are also often known as moon daisies, and can be found all over the UK in sunny spots.

Devil’s Bit Scabious – This was a flower that was often used in ancient times for skin conditions (the name scabious coming from the Latin word to scratch) and its beautiful purple-blue flowers are usually found in damper places, such as in marsh land and near to rivers and streams.

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