Dining room rug, how to choose it?

Choosing the dining room rug can be an extra effort. After all, there are several decisions to make when wanting to have one. We start by questioning what is the ideal color , what is the perfect shape, and what should be the material and size. In short, there is a long list of issues to be defined.

Thinking about how to make the decision easier for you, as is always our goal, we wrote this article for you. Keep reading to discover all the details that will lead you to choose the right dining room rug for your home.

How to choose the perfect dining room rug for me?

Well, everything will depend precisely on how you have conceived your dining room so far. The first thing you should do then is study this area.

It is very convenient that you delimit your space in every way, check the type of table and chairs you have, its style and material. If we are talking about a dining room that shares space with the kitchen or living room, you must define its space very well, the idea is not to cross those invisible borders.

Keep in mind then that the dining room rug must come to complement the general style and contribute in aesthetic terms. Therefore, we invite you to continue reading to learn more tips.

Make the right decision: yes or no?

It turns out that there are some dining rooms that do not need a rug, so if you insist on putting one you will be far from the perfection that you are looking for.

Those dining rooms with reduced space or that are very robust do not require this complement because the only thing we will achieve is visually saturated space. Now, those small and minimalist dining rooms will look perfect with a rug.

It is also convenient to do without the carpet if you have the dining room in a small room and alone since the walls will do their job of dividing it from other spaces. If this is your case and you think about it, putting a beautiful rug in this type of dining room is wear and tear, because it will not be able to be appreciated properly.

The shape of the rug is decisive

On the market, there are round, square, and rectangular dining room rugs, even irregular shapes. However, this decision should be made considering the shape of your table and what best suits it.

According to interior designers, if the table is round, the carpet should be the same; if the table is square, the rug should be square; If it is rectangular, then this decorative element will also be.

Choose the dining room rug in the ideal size

One of the biggest doubts when choosing a dining room rug is its size. Yes, we know that it is not an easy decision.

Well, start by measuring your dining room table with the chairs a bit far apart. That will be the starting measurement, now add more centimeters, considering that the carpet must be appreciated even if we are sitting or when we get up. We are talking about 10 to 20 centimeters more, depending on the space you have.

What is the best material for my dining room rug?

You’ve already defined the shape and size, it’s time to add the material. You should know that natural fibers are in trend, and we believe that they will not stop being that way for a long time.

Natural fibers are delicate, of good quality, and add a lot of warmth to spaces. However, they can be a little more expensive than those synthetic fiber rugs. If the natural ones are definitely out of your budget, those made of polypropylene imitate the aforementioned ones very well, in addition to being easy to clean.

Finally, choose the color of your dining room rug

Last but not least, we find the choice of color. If we talk about trends, natural finishes are very fashionable, as well as blue and green.

However, the ideal color also depends on the color palette that you already have defined for your spaces. Then prefer a warm range that combines very well with your palette.

We share some very precise and simple tips that will undoubtedly lead you to choose the ideal dining room rug. Analyze your dining room very well and prefer the one that goes with your decorative style, color palette, and expectations.

Keep in mind that for cold areas, textures that help to conserve heat are preferred and in warm areas, the best are breathable natural fibers. In any case, enjoy your purchase and your new decoration.

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