How to Design a Building: Factors to Consider

How to design a building is a big responsibility that often rests on the hands of a professional architect. This field includes a lot of processes that are involved in the entire construction of a house or building. Some of these include the following. Architectural drawings: These are the kind of drawings that architects usually design when working on a house or building. Residential architects basically take note of spatial and functional requirements; and then begin designing the layout, elevations, designs, and structures.

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The designing process of the roof, including its texture, direction, type of materials used, and insulation is also an important part of designing a building. Meanwhile, a building’s foundation, walls, and other structural elements are “designed” through the use of civil and structural engineers. In order to keep the temperature inside the house constant, all architects must also be aware of the factors that influence its climatic conditions such as the prevailing winds at that place and the local weather conditions. For help from Construction Companies Manchester, visit Piggot and Whitfield.

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Heat Gain – This factor is also included in the list of important factors that need to be taken into account while designing a building. How can heat gain affect a building? Well, imagine an architect putting up a building that is made up of wood, and the ambient temperature during the day is relatively warm. However, during night-time, there are strong winds that blow from the north and pour cold air into the building. Now imagine if that building’s central section was equipped with a ventilation system that will pull out the heat from the surrounding air and disperse it into the air circulating inside the building.

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