The Unique and Fragrant Lavender Bubble Gum Plant

Fragrant Lavender Bubble Gum Plant

The lavender bubble gum plant is a fascinating and delightful hybrid resulting from cross-breeding between lavender and bubble gum plants. The plant has a striking appearance and is visually appealing with its unique flowers and foliage that can add an intriguing dimension to any garden. The plant’s flowers produce a sweet fragrance that blends the distinct aromas of lavender and bubble gum. This plant is a perfect addition to any garden; its unique fragrance can add a pleasant aroma to your outdoor space.

An Overview of the Lavender Bubble Gum Plant

The lavender bubble gum plant, scientifically known as Hybrida Lavandula bubblegumia, is a hybrid between traditional lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and an unknown gum-scented plant variety. This unusual crossing results in a plant that displays the familiar lavender-colored blooms of lavender, emitting a sweet, fruity scent reminiscent of bubble gum.

This plant was first bred in the early 2000s by botanists seeking to create a plant with a novel fragrance. The bubbly candy-like aroma of bubble gum was hybridized with the relaxing floral essence of lavender to produce a plant with a complex and pleasing scent.

In growth habit and appearance, the lavender bubble gum plant resembles traditional lavender. It has the same gray-green foliage and slender tubular flowers on long stems. However, the blooms emit a much sweeter scent, blending the pleasant aromas of its two parent plants.

Growing Conditions for Lavender Bubble Gum Plants

The lavender bubble gum plant thrives in the same conditions preferred by regular lavender.

Here are the critical factors for successfully growing this plant:

Sun Exposure

Lavender bubble gum plants require full sun to flourish. They should be planted where they receive at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Insufficient light will result in poor flowering and diminished fragrance.


These plants need well-drained soil to avoid root rot. The ideal soil pH is slightly alkaline, between 6.7-7.3. Adding compost improves drainage and provides nutrients. Gravel or sand can also be mixed into heavy clay soils to improve aeration.


Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Too much moisture will cause the roots to rot. Wait until the top inch of soil is dry before watering again. Lavender bubble gum prefers infrequent deep watering over frequent light sprinkles.


Lavender bubble gum enjoys warm temperatures and thrives in USDA Hardiness Zones 5 to 9. Daytime temperatures around 70-80°F are ideal. This plant can withstand summer heat but appreciates afternoon shade in hot climates.


Prune plants in spring to shape growth and remove dead stems. Cutting plants back by one-third to one-half of their size each spring prevents legginess and encourages bushy growth.

Planting Lavender Bubble Gum

Planting Lavender Bubble Gum

Lavender bubble gum can be planted in gardens or containers in spring or fall.

Here is a step-by-step guide to growing this scented wonder:

Choose a Sunny Spot

Select a location with total sun exposure. To thrive, lavender bubble gum needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Southern or western exposures are ideal.

Prepare the Soil

Dig down 12-18 inches and loosen the soil. Mix 2-4 inches of compost or other organic material like peat moss. This improves drainage and provides nutrients.

Space Plants 18-24 Inches Apart

Lavender bubble gum grows 2-3 feet wide at maturity. Allow enough room for bushes to reach their full size without crowding.

Dig Holes & Add Starter Fertilizer

Dig holes the same depth and width as the root balls of your plants. Add a handful of starter fertilizer to each hole and mix it into the soil to help encourage root growth.

Remove Plants from Containers

Gently remove each lavender bubble gum plant from its nursery pot. Tease apart any circled roots.

Place in Holes & Fill In

Set each plant in its hole and fill in with the prepared soil. Create a shallow basin around plants to hold water.

Water Thoroughly

Water freshly planted lavender bubble gum well. Continue watering when the top inch of soil dries out until plants are established.

Ongoing Care for Lavender Bubble Gum Plants

Lavender bubble gum plants can live for 5-10 years with proper care.

Here are some tips for keeping your plants happy and healthy:

  • Water sincerely only when the soil is partly dry. Provide 1-2 inches per week.
  • Apply a balanced fertilizer in early spring and midsummer. Look for low-nitrogen formulas.
  • Prune back by 6-10 inches after flowering to prevent legginess.
  • Weed and mulch beds to retain moisture and limit competition.
  • Protect plants from excessive winter moisture by allowing soil to drain before hard freezes.
  • Propagate in early summer by taking 6-inch cuttings from non-flowering shoots.
  • Watch for common pests like aphids, spider mites, or root rot due to overwatering.
  • Remove spent flowers regularly to encourage continuous blooming.

You can successfully grow lavender bubble gum in gardens, borders, containers, and more with proper site selection, planting, and care! Keep reading for tips on using this plant.

The Flowers and Fragrance

The flowers of the lavender bubble gum plant resemble traditional lavender, with small tubular purple blooms arranged on long stems. The flowers emerge in spring and continue blooming through summer. Deadheading prolongs the bloom time.

Unlike regular lavender, this plant has a robust fruity bubble gum scent released from the flowers, foliage, and stems when brushed against or crushed. The smell is a complex mix of the soothing floral aroma of lavender blended with sweet, fruity bubble gum notes.

Flowers should be harvested when first opening for the best fragrance. Small bundles can be hung to dry indoors, or the blooms can be steamed to extract the essential oil.

Uses for Lavender Bubble Gum Plants

Uses for Lavender Bubble Gum Plants

The lavender bubble gum plant offers visual beauty and fantastic fragrance.

Here are some of the top ways to utilize this plant:


Dried lavender bubble gum flowers retain their scent well. Mix with other dried petals and plant materials to create fragrant potpourri.

Sachets & Dried Arrangements

Place dried blooms and foliage into small cloth sachets. Tuck into drawers or closets to gently scent linens and clothing. The dried flowers also work nicely in wreaths, garlands, and flower arrangements.

Fragrance Oil

The essential oil can be extracted via steam distillation. Lavender bubble gum oil can be added to candles, lotions, perfumes, and cleaning products.

Culinary Uses

Like regular lavender, the flowers can add flavor and color to foods and beverages. Add buds to lemonade, ice cream, scones, cookies, and desserts. Use dried buds in teas, sugar, syrups, and more.

Repel Pests

The scent of lavender bubble gum may help deter insect pests. Place small bouquets or sachets in storage areas to repel moths. Tuck stems into flower arrangements to prevent small flies. Dried buds can also be tossed onto campfires to repel mosquitos.

Landscape Plant

With its compact growth and continual blooming, lavender bubble gum makes a great addition to borders, rock gardens, and containers. It also attracts bees and butterflies!

Concluding Thoughts

With its unique crossed genetics, the lavender bubble gum plant provides lovely flowers and a lovely, fruity scent. This adaptable plant is easy to add to any sunny garden space. Once established, lavender bubble gum also has fantastic uses for crafting, cooking, aromatherapy, and more. Mixing the peacefulness of lavender with the nostalgia of bubble gum creates a distinctive plant that will draw interest and joy.

Common Questions

Is it an annual or perennial plant?

Lavender bubble gum is a perennial plant in zones 5-9. It can be grown annually in colder climates.

What size does the plant reach?

This compact, bushy plant grows 2-3 feet tall and wide. It works great in smaller garden spaces.

How fast does lavender bubble gum grow?

This plant is relatively slow growing, adding 6-12 inches of growth per year once established. It may take 2-3 years to reach full mature size.

Does it have any medicinal uses?

Like traditional lavender, this plant has a relaxing, soothing effect. The oil may be helpful for anxiety, sleep issues, and stress relief.

What are the signs of a healthy lavender bubble gum plant?

Indicators of a robust plant include bushy foliage, vigorous new growth, and lots of flowers. Watch for flowering decline as a sign it may need dividing or replacing.

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