Improving the acoustics of your living room is one of the first measures to take at home when you notice that you do not perceive music as you really like, with the quality that your educated ears need.
Although in another era your reaction would have been to launch yourself after the search for better and more modern sound equipment, or hire an expert to project new investments to achieve sound insulation that would distance you from noise pollution from the outside, today when the There is no money to spare, you must stop to think thousands of alternatives to make your home a more welcoming place, with better resonance, and sustainable.
In this article, we will help you improve the acoustics of your living room by putting 2 essential tricks in your hands.
Tips to improve the acoustics of your living room
Avoid materials that reverberate sound
Among many other processes, human hearing is produced by the propagation of sound waves through the ear canals that collide with the eardrum and cause it to vibrate. You listen to everything that reaches your ears. No one has the ability to separate one and the other tone to stay with the one they prefer.
Windows, doors, and glass
When you are in a room with wide glass doors and windows, whether you like it or not. In addition to the sound waves that the music equipment transmits, you also listen to the vibrations that the crystal emits.
You should know that large glass surfaces vibrate when sound waves hit them. And this vibration produces its own echo to hinder the clarity of the music being played.
Therefore, your first and greatest trick should focus on paying a little more attention to the materials that make up your home. If you have windows or glass doors in the room where you intend to improve the acoustics. We recommend buying thick or terry cloth curtains to cover them. Curtains will also add an elegant touch to your living room.
Glass and porcelain
In addition to glass, there are other common materials in a room that is not very absorbent and act as true acoustic reflectors, among them we can mention: glass and porcelain.
Now, unlike the previous ones, there are materials that do achieve optimal acoustic conditioning in a closed room. They have the ability to absorb the energy they receive through sound waves and do not reverberate the music. Among them, we can mention paper and wood.
Paper and wood
Paper and wood specialize, to call it something, in controlling the emission, transmission. And the reception of all the sound waves that “fly” within a room.
For this reason, if you want to give better sound comfort to your living room. We recommend placing bookcases inside it. Wooden furniture and decorative objects made of wood or paper-mache.
Change the arrangement of furniture and decorative elements
The conditioning of a room with a view to improving the acoustic quality in its interior must start from the arrangement of all the elements found within it.
The reverberation of the sound and the time it takes are controlled by placing here and there the various decorative objects and furniture within a room, therefore, if you intend to improve the acoustics, the second trick we recommend is to focus on varying the arrangement of the elements also taking a look at the materials with which they are made.
In this sense we suggest:
- Use wooden furniture or furniture upholstered with doormat materials.
- Do not place furniture and decorative objects between one horn and another (acoustic drawers).
- Decorate the place with plants (preferably natural to improve eyesight, reduce stress, offer emotional well-being and relaxation) located throughout the room except between one and another speaker. Plants help to propagate sound by breaking down the waves that reach them into much smaller ones that travel to all corners of the room and promote resonance within it.
- Put thick rugs on the floor. Carpet plush is a good sound absorber and reduces distortion caused by marble and stoneware floors.
Choose the right room
It is known that the room where a stereo is installed is as or more important than the device itself, therefore, in your hands is the way to get the most out of the sound equipment that you have installed in your home.
As we told you, to improve the acoustics of your living room you do not need to make large investments, it is enough just to avoid having materials that reverberate the sound and take more care in the choice and arrangement of the furniture and decorative elements that make it up.
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