Tricks how to clean a burnt pan

cleaning burnt pan

There is nothing worse than facing pots, pans, and frying pans. We recognize it We have also been burned with food once. But do not worry because in this post we give you some simple tricks to make them look like new again.

Surely you have received an unexpected call, a visit, or an unforeseen event just when you were in the kitchen. In the world in which we live in a hurry and with no time for almost nothing, it is normal for housewives to find themselves doing two things at the same time.

You have started talking on the phone and the saint has gone to heaven. Or the neighbor has called to tell you that the next community meeting changes the date. And meanwhile … there is a smell that has burned that you expect to come from the house of the neighbor but … OH MY GOODNESS!!! Your food has burned. At that time, you do not know what to do, where to start.

Well, do not worry, because it has happened to all of us and luckily we can tell you that it has a solution. Before going to the appliance store or to the department store for a new pot, do not miss our advice

Effective tricks and tips

1.  Surely you have heard on many occasions the uses so diverse that vinegar has. In case you do not know them we invite you to visit this blog where you can find up to 20 uses of white vinegar that can be very useful. we need to know how to clean a burnt pan.  Well, on this occasion the vinegar is also going to be our ally. Ideally, we pour the amount of white vinegar necessary to cover the entire burned area of ​​the pot or pan once we have removed the glued remains of food that we could. Once we have put the vinegar put the container to boil, but EYE! the vinegar evaporates very fast and the last thing we want is for the saucepan to burn even more. In this way, we can remove the remaining food stuck and with a scrubbing pad to remove the black part of the bottom of the pot salt- clean-pots-pans

cleaning burnt pan

2.  Another remedy that works is salt.  As you can see, they are very homemade remedies as well as effective and especially with those who spend little money. in the bottom of the burned container, we throw a good handful of salt, enough to cover the bottom along with a little water. we need to know how to clean a burnt pan. On this occasion, the idea is to let the mixture rest for at least 20 minutes and once this time has passed, rinse. If the remains persist, we can boil this same water and once it cools, rub again with a scourer suitable for the pot or pan. Remember that, when using the scorer, the pots should be stainless steel, iron, copper, mud or aluminum. For Teflon or ceramics, you should use a sponge. sodium bicarbonate

3. If your pot is badly burned and the previous tricks have not been able to clean the remains of food burned, this third trick to know how to clean a burnt pan. On this occasion, we need baking soda that we are going to sprinkle along with a spoonful of water. We will bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. With five minutes to the fire it is usually enough and after this step, return to wash normally.

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